Our on-site lasers can permanently reduce or remove unwanted hair which is problematic for both men and women. The laser beam targets the pigment in the hair follicle without damage to the surrounding skin. It can be used on small areas such as chin or upper lip, larger areas like an underarm or bikini region, or even sizable surfaces such as a leg or back.
The duration of your individual treatment will depend on the area being treated and typically several sessions are necessary to capture a large portion of the hair follicles at various growth stages.
The treatment can be associated with a slight stinging sensation but you may return to work and other daily activities immediately following a treatment.

Eye Make Up
Eyebrows and eyes largely determine the look of your face. We can emphasize or create them, with our permanent makeup.
Lips Make Up
Tthe surface of our lips is a mucous membrane and an extension of what coats the insides of our mouths. It is different from our skin in that it does not have a protective layer that retains moisture and our lips do not have oil glands which also assist in retaining moisture. In addition, although lips have some melanin, its presence is much less than found in skin. Correct shape and size of lips with permanent makeup, highlighting the natural lip or on the use of hyaluronic.

Classic Facial
The secret to nice skin is the skin’s quality of life. Every day, the cells of the skin renew themselves. As you age, the inner and outer surface of the skin becomes dehydrated. The damage caused by internal and external conditions such as stress, fatique, poor hygiene, poor diet, alcohol and drug abuse, sun, lifestyle, pollution and wind is not easily repairable.Deep cleaning facial remove fagesores, sebum, dirt, dust, so you can clean the skin to accept the products for daily care, having immediate effect.
Acne Facial
Acne, a problem encountered more young people (and others), the result of grease and trapped sebum, helping the growth of germs. The deep cleaning and treatments to reduce seborrhoea, with the cooperation of doctors, help solve the problem.

Oxydent Therapy
Oxygen is a source of life. Oxygen therapy is based on the proper oxygenation of the skin and face, intensifying mikrokykloforiaki function giving invigoration and brightness to the skin.
Lifting Therapy
A unique grooming products appropriate to offer the relaxed skin the firming and toning in need, especially after prolonged sun exposure.
Hydrating Therapy
Due to various illnesses, some patients experience dehydration. Hydration therapy can help prevent and treat dehydration, which can lead to a quicker recovery. Advanced technology now allows for continuous or intermittent administration of hydration therapy. Additional additives and electrolytes can be added to standard hydration therapy fluids.

Aha peeling
The D-hydroxy acids also known as AHA exfoliating chemicals suitable for mature, oily, acne-prone skin. The conditions that create disinfection is beneficial for acne. Improve the texture of the skin thickness of wrinkles, helps combat dyschromion. Intensely active in fighting the smigmatoroias lyparon leather.
Glycolic Peeling
The main A-hydroxy acids (AHA) and the most common treatment for a mature skin.
Salicilic Peeling
It belongs also to the chemical peelings class AHA chose it for acne, fat, tight, leather.
Timeless Peeling
he chirally corrected L-Retinol A dermal peel stimulates turnover and protein synthesis resulting in smoother, denser, more hydrated skin. Is very safe and extremely effective working on lightening, tightening and perfecting the skin.
Deep sea peeling
Deep Sea Peeling helps significantly to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and photoaging.

Post procedure make up
Any irritation, bruising, scarring, covered by mineral products without mineral oil – powder, giving fast, weightless coverage.
Social make up
Professional make-up aims to highlight the beautiful parts of the face and cover the imperfections are annoying for everyone.

Lymphatic massage
The lymph is responsible for the accumulation of toxins and fluid retention, due to the slow movement of in the lemfogangleia.
Relaxing massage
Calming relaxing massage, essential to any person, whether or not exercising. Helping muscles to function as best as possible.
Massage Cellulite
Oestrogen, hormones and the different structure of the female connective tissue implicated in cellulite.
For more information, please fill our contact form and we will reply as soon as possible. Either you call us at: +30 2310 440 890.
It is more than our image in the mirror.It is more than our image in the mirror. It is the smile that came back, a pain that will not be returned, the new way we walk, a step ahead in life