Liposuction for men

Liposuction is considered lately a procedure that can be performed not only to women but to male population as well. Nowadays there many men who undergo liposuction in order to remove undesirable, subcutaneous fat, in isolated areas that do not respond to diet and exercise. These areas include the hips, thighs, abdomen, chest, and flanks (lateral abdominal wall). Liposuction removes only subcutaneous fat but cannot remove fat that surrounds your internal organs. It is not a treatment for obesity and does not replace diet and exercise. It is most successful in people with good skin tone who are near normal weight, but have localized fatty deposits and is intended to produce a more flattering figure by improving contours and proportions.

The procedure involves multiple small incisions through which a cannula or hollow tube is inserted. This tube is used to break up and remove the fat beneath the skin. Several areas can be suctioned at one operative setting, although your surgeon may limit the amount that can be removed safely at one time. Postoperatively patients will be bruised and swollen and this will likely last few weeks. A compression garment, specially designed for men, is worn for several weeks to minimize fluid accumulation and facilitate skin settling. The garment is easily covered under the clothes.

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